Let’s create a landing page using various components provided by the AppLaunchKit. You just need to copy and paste the code below to create a new landing page in a flash.
Copy and paste the code below in apps/next/apps/page.tsx
import { ScrollView } from ' @app-launch-kit/components/primitives/scroll-view ' ;
import Header from ' @app-launch-kit/components/custom/landing-page/Header ' ;
import Hero from ' @app-launch-kit/components/custom/landing-page/Hero ' ;
import { FourCardPricingLayout } from ' @app-launch-kit/components/custom/pricing/FourCardPricingLayout ' ;
import { TwoColumnTestimonial } from ' @app-launch-kit/components/custom/testimonials/TwoColumnTestimonial ' ;
import testimonials from ' @app-launch-kit/utils/constants/ratingTestimonials ' ;
import { ThreeColumnBlog } from ' @app-launch-kit/components/custom/blogs/ThreeColumnBlog ' ;
import { blogPosts } from ' @app-launch-kit/utils/constants/blogData ' ;
import BasicFaq from ' @app-launch-kit/components/custom/faq/BasicFaq ' ;
import BasicNewsletter from ' @app-launch-kit/components/custom/newsletter/BasicNewsletter ' ;
import BasicFooter from ' @app-launch-kit/components/custom/footer/BasicFooter ' ;
import { VStack } from ' @app-launch-kit/components/primitives/vstack ' ;
import { Box } from ' @app-launch-kit/components/primitives/box ' ;
< Box className = " bg-background-0 " >
< ScrollView contentContainerClassName = " md:gap-14 gap-8 " >
< VStack className = " p-4 md:gap-20 gap-12 " >
< FourCardPricingLayout />
< TwoColumnTestimonial testimonials = { testimonials } />
< ThreeColumnBlog blogPosts = { blogPosts } />
Copy and paste the code below in apps/expo/apps/index.tsx
import React from ' react ' ;
import { SafeAreaView } from " @app-launch-kit/components/primitives/safe-area-view " ;
import { ScrollView } from " @app-launch-kit/components/primitives/scroll-view " ;
import Header from " @app-launch-kit/components/custom/landing-page/Header " ;
import Hero from " @app-launch-kit/components/custom/landing-page/Hero " ;
import { FourCardPricingLayout } from " @app-launch-kit/components/custom/pricing/FourCardPricingLayout " ;
import { TwoColumnTestimonial } from " @app-launch-kit/components/custom/testimonials/TwoColumnTestimonial " ;
import testimonials from " @app-launch-kit/utils/constants/ratingTestimonials " ;
import { ThreeColumnBlog } from " @app-launch-kit/components/custom/blogs/ThreeColumnBlog " ;
import { blogPosts } from " @app-launch-kit/utils/constants/blogData " ;
import BasicFaq from " @app-launch-kit/components/custom/faq/BasicFaq " ;
import BasicNewsletter from " @app-launch-kit/components/custom/newsletter/BasicNewsletter " ;
import BasicFooter from " @app-launch-kit/components/custom/footer/BasicFooter " ;
import { VStack } from " @app-launch-kit/components/primitives/vstack " ;
< SafeAreaView className = " flex-1 bg-background-0 " >
< ScrollView contentContainerClassName = " md:gap-14 gap-8 " >
< VStack className = " p-4 md:gap-20 gap-12 " >
< FourCardPricingLayout />
< TwoColumnTestimonial testimonials = { testimonials } />
< ThreeColumnBlog blogPosts = { blogPosts } />