Before diving in, ensure you have these prequisites:
- GitHub: Ensure you have a GitHub account and (optional) have set up the Git CLI on your system.
- AppLaunchKit License (mandatory): Make sure you have purchased the license for the AppLaunchKit.
- Node.js (version 21 or later): Node.js is the foundation for running the development server and package manager. You can download it from the official website.
- Docker: Supabase uses Docker to create its local instance. You can download it from the official website here.
- Supabase Account (optional): AppLaunchKit comes equiped with a local instance of Supabase for development on your local machine. When you decide to deploy your application, you will need to register an account on Supabase cloud. Post the registration process, create a project on Supabase dashboard and link it to your local instance using Supabase CLI for deployment.