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Steps to run your apps

Start Supabase server

Follow the command below to start your Supabase local server.

Terminal window
npm run supabase:start

We have also provided a few other commands that will be required during the development process when you add more features to your backend. Please find the list below.

  • Stop the supabase server:

    Terminal window
    npm run supabase:stop
  • Reset the supabase server:

    Terminal window
    npm run supabase:reset
  • Restart the supabase server:

    Terminal window
    npm run supabase:restart

For more details on the usage of these commands please read more on the official documentation page of Supabase CLI

Run Expo app

  • Start the Expo go server

    Terminal window
    npm run expo:start
  • Run the app on web

    Terminal window
    npm run expo:web
  • Run the app on Android

    Terminal window
    npm run expo:android
  • Run the app on iOS

    Terminal window
    npm run expo:ios

Run Next.js app

  • Run the following commands

    Terminal window
    npm run next:dev

Run Storybook

Terminal window
# with nextJS
npm run next:storybook
Terminal window
# with expo for web
npm run expo:storybook-web
# with expo for ios
npm run expo:storybook-ios
# with expo for android
npm run expo:storybook-android

Make your first edit

  • Expo app: Edit the file at the location apps/expo/app/index.tsx to see the change in your app.

  • Next.js app: Edit the file at the location apps/next/app/page.tsx to see the change in your app.

  • Storybook: Edit the file at the location apps/<expo or next>/stories/<component-name>/<component-name>.tsx

With this foundation, you’re well on your way to building exceptional universal apps with AppLaunchKit! Feel free to experiment with the codebase, customize components, and explore the vast possibilities.

Remember, this guide is just the beginning. Configure other features by following the guide here to leverage the maximum advantage of the AppLaunchKit.

Happy building!